Applied Physics USA Provides Polystyrene Dry Powder, Particle Size Standards.
PSL Spheres, polystyrene latex beads, calibrated polymer micro-spheres for particle size standards used to calibrate airborne optical particle counters. OPC counters are required to meet ISO 21501-4 requirements for size calibration. These dry micro-spheres are a dry powder used in a variety calibration applications by Pharmaceutical QA/QC managers in pharmaceutical, biotech; as well as aerosol and electronic engineers. The peak size of the microsphere beads has a calibration variation about the mean of 2.5% or less of the mean particle diameter.
These dry polystyrene latex microspheres are a dry powder made from Polystyrene divinylbenzene and has a CAS # of 9003-70-7. The dry powder is used in aerosol particle counter calibration. The size diameter is traceable to SRMs of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Each bottle comes with a Certificate of Calibration and Traceability in support of QA/QC audits, as well as calibration requirements.
- Mean particle size standard has an uncertainty of ≤2.5% to support ISO and size calibration of laser particle counters and air particle counters
- Size peak has a narrow distribution for calibration of your OPC and LPC counters
- The microsphere size peak is traceable to NIST SRM standards
- Certificate of Traceability is included with each product in support of QC and QA compliance
- Sizes available cover the key size calibration points of 3μm, 5μm, 7μm and 10μm
- Each 1 gram of dry powder is contained in a dropper-tipped bottle for quick insertion into a sample chamber