When you require the ultimate in water purity, PURELAB Chorus® 1 system provides the perfect solution. Consistently delivering water purity of 18.2 MΩ.cm (Type I+/I) and underpinned by the advanced PureSure® deionization system, the PURELAB Chorus 1 system enables you to focus on attaining accurate results while ensuring an uninterrupted workflow
Solutions for type I ultrapure water. When your application requires the ultimate in water purity, PURELAB Chorus® 1 System provides the perfect solution. Consistently delivering water purity of 18.2MΩ-cm (Type I) and underpinned by the advanced PureSure® deionization system, the PURELAB Chorus System enables you to focus on attaining accurate results while ensuring an uninterrupted work flow.
- Fully Recirculating Recirculation of purified water through our modular reservoir to maintain consistent peak water purity at 18.2 MΩ.cm
- ELGA Biofilter (optional) When fitted, PURELAB Chorus® 1 Complete system produces water which is free from biologically active impurities.
- Single System Solution Perfect single system solution for analytical and life science applications requiring 18.2 MΩ.cm.
- Data Capture Data capture via USB for system performance validation and software updates.
- Space Saving Design Designed to be modular and stackable to save space, whether wall-mounted or under the bench.
Delivery Flow Rate, Maximum: L/min
- 2.0
Bacteria: CFU/ml
- <0.001
Organic (TOC): ppb
- >18.2